LBI Real Estate Links

Important Links

  • LBI Homes For Sale

    Find your dream home with ease on the homes for sale page. Browse through our extensive listings of available properties, ranging from charming single-family homes to luxurious waterfront estates.

  • Buyer Info

    Looking to buy your dream home on Long Beach Island (LBI)? My comprehensive buyer's guide has everything you need to know about purchasing property in this beautiful coastal area.

  • Seller Info

    Ready to sell your property on Long Beach Island (LBI) for top dollar? My seller's guide provides expert advice and strategies to help you maximize your home's value and attract the right buyers.

  • Rental Info

    Looking for the perfect vacation rental on Long Beach Island (LBI)? Explore our wide selection of rental properties, from cozy beachfront cottages to spacious luxury homes. With amenities to suit every need and budget, our rentals provide the ideal backdrop for creating unforgettable memories with family and friends.

  • Island Info

    Discover the allure of Long Beach Island (LBI), a hidden gem along the New Jersey coastline. My comprehensive guide offers insights into LBI's rich history, stunning beaches, vibrant communities, and exciting activities.

  • Mortgage Info

    Navigating the world of mortgages can be daunting, but I am here to help simplify the process. My mortgage info page offers valuable insights and resources to guide you through every step of securing financing for your dream home.

  • Flood Insurance

    Stay protected with flood insurance! This informative page covers everything you need to know about flood insurance, including why it's essential, how it works, and how to get started.

  • Why Buy On LBI?

    Discover the irresistible allure of this coastal paradise! From pristine beaches and stunning sunsets to a laid-back lifestyle and thriving community, LBI offers the perfect blend of relaxation and recreation.

  • Typical Closing Costs

    Discover the typical closing costs involved on both sides of the average transaction in LBI.

  • When To Sell On LBI

    Timing is key when it comes to selling on Long Beach Island (LBI). My guide provides valuable insights into the optimal times to list your property for sale, maximizing your chances of success in the competitive LBI market.

  • Pricing Your Home

    Determining the right price for your home is essential for a successful sale. My pricing guide offers valuable insights and strategies to help you accurately assess the value of your property in the dynamic Long Beach Island (LBI) market.

  • Free Home Evaluation

    Curious about the value of your home on Long Beach Island (LBI)? Take advantage of my complimentary home evaluation service!

  • Investment Properties

    Discover lucrative investment opportunities on Long Beach Island (LBI) and see what is currently on the market. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to the real estate investment world, our listings include a variety of income-producing properties such as rental homes, vacation condos, and commercial buildings.

  • Commercial Real Estate

    Explore prime commercial real estate opportunities on Long Beach Island (LBI) with my expert guidance. Whether you're seeking space for retail, office, restaurant, flex, mixed-use, or development opportunities, the island’s selection of commercial properties offers something for every investor and business owner.

  • LBI News & Updates

    Stay informed about the latest happenings on Long Beach Island (LBI) with my dedicated news and updates page. From community events and local developments to real estate trends and insider tips, I provide timely and relevant information to keep you in the know.

  • Mainland Real Estate

    Find homes for sale in Ocean County, NJ. Explore listings in Manahawkin, Beach Haven West, Barnegat, Tuckerton, and Little Egg Harbor Township. Discover your dream home today!

  • Discover What LBI Has To Offer

    Discover the ultimate guide to Long Beach Island's attractions and activities. From pristine beaches to local eateries and family-friendly fun, plan your perfect getaway with our curated list of things to do on Long Beach Island.

  • Events

    Discover island events and happenings. Stay in tune with LBI and learn about what is upcoming on the events calendar for each town!

  • About Luke Gilpin

    Learn about me below and please reach out if you have any questions, need assistance, recommendations, and more!

  • Barnegat Light Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Harvey Cedars Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Surf City Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Ship Bottom Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Long Beach Twp Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Beach Haven Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Stafford Twp Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Barnegat Twp Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Tuckerton Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Little Egg Harbor Twp Home Search

    Search homes for sale, learn more about the specific area, and more!

  • Contact Luke Gilpin

    Need to get in touch with me? Have questions? I would be happy to help! Click below.