Now Is The Time To Fix Your Home
Now is the time to fix your home! Although many owners on LBI treat their homes as seasonal rentals or residences, it is important to fix any ailments about your property during the fall, winter and spring. It is crucial to treat any possible repairs during these three seasons largely due to worker availability. During the summer months many workers/repairmen are extremely busy and can schedule you out weeks away. Taking care of issues now will help protect your home while you are not there, aid in smoother transitions on rental change-over day, prevent major problems during the summer months, help avoid costly and time consuming repairs during your or your tenant’s time in the property, and provide you with peace of mind. Some repairs that are critical in the winter include HVAC repairs, plumbing repairs, insulation repairs, roofing repairs, and possible electrical repairs. Visit my website ( to see a list of recommended local professionals.