March 2023 Rental Update

The LBI Rental Market, while still very stable, has seen a bit of a decline in demand when compared to the past two unique years courtesy of the COVID-19 pandemic. Obviously, the current state of the overall national market, inflation, the return to traveling, and numerous other reasons all influence the rental demand decline. While it has surely cooled off a bit,  surprisingly overall rental numbers are still on par/exceeding the pre-COVID market. On the other hand, to the advantage of the renter, there is still a relatively large supply of homes available to choose from, even this close to the summer months. It will be interesting to see come summer 2024 whether this slow down will have an effect on future pricing by the property owners. The COVID-19 pandemic helped cause the massive rise in cost for housing and rent, but will a market cooldown lead to the lowering of rates or will it just lower the percentage increase of rent year over year? Time will tell. 

If you are still looking for a summer rental please reach out to me directly or search our rental site:



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